You can then use the MS Word, MS Excel, MS Powerpoint, and other applications of office normally.
This is the portable file of office that you just need to download and run the file. In non-portable systems you need to download and installed the setup file first then you can use the application. This is software that is designed by the developers to run the application without the installing on the computer system.

Microsoft Office 2010 portable free download is just different because it does not need to be installed on the computer system it runs just by clicking on the application and that will start running. Microsoft 2010 added the new feature that includes the ribbon-based menu system that was not present in the older version that is Microsoft office 2007 that you can also download from our site Microsoft office 2007 Free Download. You can also download MS Office 2016 Professional Plus Free Download. MS Excel is also the software application that is part of office as mentioned above so that it is used for the accounting purpose it is cell-based that look like tabular form also excel has the formulas features so that you can use it to auto calculate most of the things. MS PowerPoint is used for the creating presentations, slides with the text and animated features like text come line by line or came from the right side or left side with some kind of sound you like etc but the basic purpose is to use for creating the presentations.

MS Word is used for writing assignments, text/content, books, applications and many another purpose it is used for. Microsoft office 2010 is available for the trial version that is for 30 days usage without purchasing but after that, you need to purchase the MS Office 2010 portable free download to continuously use the office. Microsoft office 2010 portable Free Download is the software package application that has multiple software in it that are Microsoft office, Microsoft word, Microsoft Powerpoint, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft access that each is itself a software.